How Can RIWAY Help Your Finances

Building a business is NOT easy. Every business needs time, dedication, and a ton of hard work. But you don’t have to do it alone. We will make sure that you are supported, every step of the way. Let’s get your health and financial goal achieved the soonest time possible! Are you with me? 

This may be for YOU if…

  • You have the entrepreneurial spirit but can’t seem to find the opportunity to get that million-dollar idea started. 
  • You have been wanting to start a business or have tried and failed a million times.  
  • You are always excited but things don’t seem to go your way.
  • You don’t like to sell!
  • You love personality and leadership development training for FREE!
  • Willing to travel for FREE!

If this is you, keep reading. 

Here’s The Plan

  • We are going to work as a team, attend events, and get inspired!
  • We will get trained so we can help train others, too!
  • We are going to do it together, NO QUITTING until we both get there!

We Will Use Your Health as a Testimony

And Do This Business To Improve Your Finances

  • For the first 90 days, you will undergo a rigorous training
  • You will practice story-telling
  • We will create achievable, actionable steps so that your business will take off in 90 days.

What Else Are We Creating Together?

  1. A brand new life!
  2. A story that inspires others.
  3. A strong message to your friends and network. 
  4. A signature product that changes people’s lives.
  5. A duplicatable process so that you don’t have to do everything on your own. 

Your First STEP

  • Attend the Leadership Training Seminar (LTS)
  • Attend the Leadership Recognition Night (LRN)
  • Get trained by your Sponsor and get better at telling stories

Are You Ready To Take Action and Change Your Life in 90 Days?

This is NOT for you if you are having second thoughts about giving your 100%.  I can only do so much but most of the work will be YOUR accountability, so I am going to as you again.

Are you ready to take on the challenge?


Real people, real results from PURTIER PLACENTA…

Not everyone is given the chance to do what we are passionate about, and find their purpose at the same time.

To do something you love means you never have to work and get bored anymore. Finding your purpose would make you feel fulfilled and valuable in what you’re doing, no matter how little that seem to be to others.

What I found in the online industry is not just an adventure. I’ve found my passion, and my purpose is to share them with you, so you can also enjoy life and not just survive. Most people dread Mondays, and look forward to Fridays. I’m sure this is not the kind fo life that you want.

In our 90-day-business development challenge, we are going to discover more about ourselves, have fun, learn with like-minded entrepreneurs, and do our best to bring your dreams to life!

This is my purpose. Are you ready for yours?


Still Thinking About It?

How long have you been wanting to start that dream business of yours? If now is not the time, when would it be?

Stop thinking too much and let’s get going!